Size from 15″ to 30″ ZigZag Springs – from £2.00 each
The most popular type of springing used in modern upholstery.
Need more than 10 springs? Buy by the bundle at special price – as low as from £1.80 per spring.
Is your chair or settee seat sagging?
You may well have a broken spring which you can easily replace!
To see if you have a broken spring firstly feel through the platform under the cushions to see if you can feel a gap where a spring should be.
Secondly turn your chair upside down and take a few staples out of the dust cover on the bottom of the furniture. You will be able to see if any springs are broken.
If you have a broken spring carefully remove both ends from the retaining clip, measure the original length and order the correct length new spring from us!
IF YOU NEED FIXING CLIPS YOU WILL NEED to buy clips separately.
(You can also use Butterfly Clips (C clips).
Spring Clip Nails are also available by pack of 50 or by the pairs